But I have the Upper Hand

A meme that says But I have the Upper Hand

I went to the Lord this morning. I was concerned about the state of our union. It is overrun by wicked and deceitful men. The above meme is His reply, “But I have the Upper Hand.” Below is the scripture He led me to add:

I will tear off your veils and deliver My people from your hands. They will no longer be in your hands to be hunted; and you will know that I am the LORD (Ezekiel 13:21).

Indeed, He is the LORD.

Jesus is King.


From Force to Freedom – a Prophetic Vision

Last night on an intercessory prayer call, I had a prophetic vision. The elements in the vision reveal a soon coming freedom from medical tyranny for the People of the United States. The fraudulent ones in high places using demonized people to manipulate the People of the United States will be defeated soon, and so will their ungodly mandates; but it will not happen without some force from the People.

It’s time for the American People to ‘buck’ the system and thrust off the tyrannical mandates attempting to permanently enslave the nation.

The Vision

In the vision I saw a steer in a chute with a rider on top. The bull was bucking and jumping around with great force. It wanted to be released from the chute. Once the gate opened, the bull darted out and immediately began bucking the rider with great force. I knew the bull would be successful. Below is the interpretation.

Image of a rider on a bull

Photo Credit: NY Magazine (NYMag.com)

The Interpretation

The bull in the chute represents the ‘confined’ people of the United States (confined due to governmental medical mandates). The bull, represents our nation’s People. The People are coming out of confinement to thrust off the systems oppressing them while the rider attempts to stay on. The rider is ‘tyranny’. This is symbolic of the People attempting to buck system of tyranny from our lives. The People are on the precipice of ending the tyrannical ride of a lawless system attempting to control them even after being released from the place of confinement.

While I didn’t see the rider thrust from the bull, I know by the Spirit the bull wins and the rider will be thrust off. I also there was no eight second buzzer in the vision. I believe the absence of the buzzer signifies the timing of the win is contingent upon the force of the bull; the stronger the force, the sooner the rider is removed from the bull.

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Eight is the number of new beginnings. The bull will win with much force. I decree the win for we the People in the powerful Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.

Here is the scripture referenced by Holy Spirit after the interpretation of the vision:

The kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent taketh by force (Matthew 11:12).

Praise the LORD for His Glory.


The Remnant Will Be Delivered

My Bible was opened to Jeremiah 5:14. I read from there through chapter six and pondered on the State of Israel. I spoke to Yahweh about the State but reminded Him of the Remnant. I asked Him to consider those in the State who were not Zionists’ or worshipers of evil, but true blue Israelites with a passion for truth and a heart for the plans of God. I asked Him to consider the men and women of God who have labored in the Holy Place for deliverance from wicked and ungodly men. I asked the LORD about His promise to punish those who have made ungodly agreements with wickedness—bringing Israel as a nation under judgment. I also thought of Sodom and Gomorrah and how lustful and debauched we have all become as a ‘global’ society.

The LORD does punish evil, but just as in the days of Noah, He still searches for the few who have rejected gross darkness and favored the Light of God.

I reminded God to save those who have been faithful and resisted the oppression of evil assignments by wicked ones. These are they who have said no to spiritual adulteries and they have continued in the faith. These are the Ones who have stood in the gap for Israel and called upon the LORD to restore the land and convict the Prodigals’ to return to the covenant made with Him in the ancient days. I prayed too for the Gentiles who have followed suit and come under diverse punishment’s for rejecting God’s great gift of salvation.

Chapter’s five and six from Jeremiah are not feel-good reads. They speak of impending doom for those who refuse to return to the covenant of Yahweh and they speak of certain war that will annihilate Israel if they refuse to return to God. Because this passage of scripture was lying wide open in my Bible without any help from me, I deemed it was significant and I was to pray.

I concluded my prayers for Israel and returned to my Bible. I grabbed a handful of pages and folded them over to access the New Testament. My eyes immediately landed on a random passage that read:

27 Israel cries out concerning Israel, “Though the number of the sons of Israel may be like the sand of the sea, only the remnant will be saved; 28 for the Lord will execute His word on the earth, thoroughly and quickly.” 29 And just as Isaiah foretold: “If the Lord of armies had not left us descendants, We would have become like Sodom and would have been like Gomorrah.” (Romans 9:27-29)

Confirming and powerful! Only the Spirit of God can confirm a prayer or meditation in such an unusual way. This passage in Romans gives me hope; the “remnant” will be saved and the righteousness of the “remnant” will live to demonstrate the goodness and faithfulness of God to those who LOVE and HONOR Him. Praise the Lord! While the scripture promises the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience, the Remnant will be protected by the salvation of the Lord; and the Remnant will not be disappointed in the deliverance of Yahweh.

©2021, What You Will


Feeling Slighted? It’s probably a Test

Random things that can make you feel slighted

When people see and like your social media posts but they choose to share them from a friend’s page instead of yours—you feel slighted. It’s probably a test.

When in-laws are angry with family members but it’s you they ostracize—you feel slighted. It’s probably a test.

When a group leader requests your information for the group directory but it’s your information that doesn’t make it on the paperwork—you feel slighted. It’s probably a test.

When you pray for specific things to happen in order for another person to be healed, but the credit for the breakthrough goes to someone else—you feel slighted. It’s probably a test.

Learning humility

We all have to learn humility and life presents us with many opportunities to become hurt or offended. These are usually tests.

We can choose to acknowledge “slights” made by others then become offended or we can overlook those slights and move on.

That doesn’t mean we are to be doormats, but if our contributions are slighted, we need to shift our perspective to a heavenly one.

When these slights happen to me they can be frustrating, but I remember two specific things the Bible says about humility in these situations: (1) humility comes before honor (Proverbs 15:33) and (2) Jesus made Himself of no reputation (Philippians 2:7).

I hold onto these verses when my contributions are overlooked or I am essentially ignored by people I love. I say nothing because I know my silence is building character. If I retort or demand respect, I am exalting myself and that’s not kingdom.

But it hurts

Sure it’s hurtful when you’re putting yourself out there expecting others to have the same integrity to receive as you had to give, but slights should never be allowed to take root in our hearts. Being offended isn’t humility and having a temper-tantrum over being ignored isn’t growth.

Stay focused

I have learned to stay focused on what I have been called to do whether anyone gives me credit or not. I encourage you to do the same if you’re experiencing being overlooked or ignored. Stay the course in your own life and stay busy with your kingdom work.

Don’t stop writing, singing, building, prophesying or loving people even when they overlook you. Stay the course and keep it moving.

Offenses will come and sometimes people you love will ignore you but your silence is building character. Those slights no matter how hurtful are producing humility and anyway, it’s probably just a test, so pass it and move on.

©2021, What You Will


Taking Your Marriage to the Next Level

Much needed correction

A few years ago, I was corrected by three women at a Kat Ker event after I mentioned my husband’s disinterest in most things spiritual. I wasn’t bashing my husband, but they noted I was creating the wrong atmosphere by decreeing his shortcomings as the priest of the home. I was immediately convicted by Holy Spirit and repented for making inappropriate declarations. I quickly shifted my approach for him in prayer and began to speak over him the things that God saw in him through the finished work of Christ. I began to notice positive changes in the marriage a few months into making these decrees. Since receiving that wise advice from those three wonderful women of God, I have watched Jesus perform an amazing transformation in my husband that has also benefited me on many levels. During this stretch of time, I have also grown to respect my husband in ways I hadn’t fully appreciated; and we have really grown in our friendship and compatibility.

Decrees should lead us to the finished work

God sees us through the veil of our destiny and His decrees over us always lead to the finished work within us. This makes sense as He sees us as one with Jesus and as the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus; so yes, God would be speaking into the atmosphere around us from a position of our perfection through His Son. I have continued to speak God’s life, God’s purpose, and God’s destiny over my husband and our marriage—calling those things that are not as though they were—and it has made a huge impact on our marriage and on our growth as a couple. So if I were to give advice on how to pray for spiritual advancement in one’s marriage or on any important issue that may be hindering God’s best for a godly union, I would say that making decrees and declarations that speak to destiny is the best strategy you can exercise to take your marriage to the next level.

©2021, What You Will

Temporary hiatus from social media

We have spent very little time on social media since 11/11. It has been a blessing to be free from the influence of those seeking self-promotion and the chatter of fake news–neither of which serves any purpose for the agenda of heaven. We’re not sure when we will be returning to social media in a more active and visible function; but in the interim, we are assigned to cover specific people in prayer. Some of these people are being assigned work directly from the White House and others are being prepped to run for government office or assist others running for government office. We are tasked with praying these people through and holding them up before the King for covering and wisdom.

We praise God for these opportunities to intercede for those called to assignments on the frontlines where grievous persecution occurs; but this ministry was made for this, we truly do go to war for the kingdom and we always win, but sometimes we too need a rest after much activity in the spirit.

Blessings to all of you who follow this ministry on our many platforms and through our website. We hope to be back in harness after the of the year as the Lord wills. We are still seeking His will about next steps for us as a family and as a Voice for the Spirit of the Lord. Your prayers for us are so greatly appreciated.

May you all have a blessed and holy Merry Christmas with an abundance of Goodness as we finish out the current year. May the glory of the Lord be revealed in you and through you as we move into the promises of the new year and may God bless the United States of America.

The Great Falling Away – Shaking Out the Shifty

Be not deceived, God is not mocked, whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap (Galatians 6:7). And he said, “Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, ‘I am Christ’; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them” (Luke 21:8).

Christ means “anointed”. Not everyone in ministry is anointed. Not everyone who claims to know Jesus really knows Jesus.

We are in a period of time where many false Christs’ have arisen; preaching, teaching and embracing doctrines that do not align with the Word of God. We are also in a time where we have people who once embraced truth now openly rejecting truth in order to erect pillars of importance for themselves. This is why we are in a time of shaking and this is why we must remain steadfast in the Word and in the promises of God so we too are not led astray by every wind of doctrine that comes across the landscape. While there are well-meaning believer’s operating in ignorance who can be redirected and corrected, there are just as many (if not more) believer’s who have rejected the truth and are proclaiming lies in the name of Christ.

The above scriptures are speaking to those who say they are anointed but they are liars or they have fallen away from the teachings of the Word of God and the instruction of Holy Spirit.

2 Thessalonians 2:3-12

Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, 4 who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God. 5 Do you not remember that while I was still with you, I was telling you these things? 6 And you know what restrains him now, so that in his time he will be revealed. 7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way. 8 Then that lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming; 9 that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders, 10 and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. 11 For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, 12 in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.

Why does God send them a strong spirit of delusion? Because they loved not the truth. Truth belongs to the Children of God and they can reject it, please study out Hebrews 6:1-8. The lost have no understanding of the truth, so this passage does not apply to the lost. The Lord is speaking to those in the Body who reject the truth–to them He sent a strong spirit of delusion. False pastors, false preachers, false teachers, false prophets and false apostles…speaking Christ in one breath and fellow-shipping with Satan in another…who once knew the grace of our Lord Jesus but chose instead to follow after other winds of doctrine.

As believers and leaders in the Body of Christ we have to rightly divide the Word of Truth and reject those who are preaching death. The Spirit of the Lord gives us life, but the spirit of Antichrist gives death. We are children of light.

Judgment begins at the House of God (1 Peter 4:17). Acknowledge those who are in error and correct them, rebuke those who are in rebellion and have nothing to do with them.

May the God of our Lord Jesus Christ bless us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places. Amen.

Expect a Scene After You Evict the Enemy

The enemy doesn’t always leave quietly. Once you order him to obey the Word (Jesus is the Word), he sometimes kicks up a little dirt on his exit.

We have recently noticed a pattern when we specifically go after the strongman and evict him from certain atmospheres in prayer and we think it’s important to share what we’ve learned with our treasured friends at What You Will. Below is one example of a little push-back we encountered from the devil after we sent the hosts to break up an assignment:

We have been blessed to live in a mostly clean neighborhood for nearly four years; but recently, we have noticed an increase in the amount of junk that has been appearing at the bottom of one of our ridges. No one appreciates illegal dumping, but it is especially annoying when people dump junk in a place that is next to impossible to get to for clean up, so we began to send the hosts’ of Heaven to tear down the spirit in the area that has been enticing individuals to dump their junk over the ridge.

Now, friends, this ministry has a reputation for smackin’ up devils, stripping them of their rights, and evicting them from the atmosphere, so we shouldn’t have blow-back from the enemy–especially over some junk and a little shabby debris, but we have had some push-back from the unclean spirit behind this trash dumping. Instead of seeing a decrease in the amount of dumping over the ridge, we’ve actually had an increase! Apparently, some demons get a little snippy when you force an order on them to leave an area.

I specifically sought the Lord about why we received an uptick in trash dumping after sending the hosts to address this situation and the Lord showed me that on his way out, sometimes the enemy throws a temper tantrum and some tantrums create a mess.

Immediately, in the spirit, I saw an aggressive young man approximately in his late teens being escorted out of my house by an officer of the court. Though he was handcuffed and tightly bound by the strength of the officer who had this kid by the arm, the kid struggled to break free from the grasp of the officer by violently shaking himself and kicking his feet. I was concerned he was going to damage my door on his way out.

The young man knew he was busted; and even though he was being taken into custody, he insisted on making a scene during the eviction process. He wasn’t about to be taken quietly. He was intentionally trying to bust up my door on his way out.

The Spirit of the Lord used this vision to show me this is what the enemy was doing with the dumping after I had arrested the demons in the spirit. Talk about gaining a new understanding about the nature of demons and spiritual warfare! Praise God for this new information! It has really changed the way I view what looks like blow-back from the enemy when I know my prayers to arrest him are legal and on target.

We’re providing this example so you will remain steadfast in your commission to restrain the enemy after you have put him on notice. Often, the enemy will throw a temper-tantrum on his way out and to the natural-minded believer; they may not realize that their prayers to evict the enemy from a situation have already been received by Heaven and answered. We are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus; we have access to the Courts of Heaven at will so when we give the word to evict, we automatically receive an order from the Judge, but like criminals, sometimes the enemy doesn’t go quietly.

Just remember, after we make a decree, or issue a command in the spirit, the enemy hears us loud and clear, but just like humans, sometimes when they are arrested they may still create a scene while they’re being escorted to the door.

The point of the story is, don’t become discouraged when you see an uptick in foul activity after you have prayed and sent your hosts’. Remain steadfast, use your authority, and enforce the Word.