But I have the Upper Hand

A meme that says But I have the Upper Hand

I went to the Lord this morning. I was concerned about the state of our union. It is overrun by wicked and deceitful men. The above meme is His reply, “But I have the Upper Hand.” Below is the scripture He led me to add:

I will tear off your veils and deliver My people from your hands. They will no longer be in your hands to be hunted; and you will know that I am the LORD (Ezekiel 13:21).

Indeed, He is the LORD.

Jesus is King.


Taking Your Marriage to the Next Level

Much needed correction

A few years ago, I was corrected by three women at a Kat Ker event after I mentioned my husband’s disinterest in most things spiritual. I wasn’t bashing my husband, but they noted I was creating the wrong atmosphere by decreeing his shortcomings as the priest of the home. I was immediately convicted by Holy Spirit and repented for making inappropriate declarations. I quickly shifted my approach for him in prayer and began to speak over him the things that God saw in him through the finished work of Christ. I began to notice positive changes in the marriage a few months into making these decrees. Since receiving that wise advice from those three wonderful women of God, I have watched Jesus perform an amazing transformation in my husband that has also benefited me on many levels. During this stretch of time, I have also grown to respect my husband in ways I hadn’t fully appreciated; and we have really grown in our friendship and compatibility.

Decrees should lead us to the finished work

God sees us through the veil of our destiny and His decrees over us always lead to the finished work within us. This makes sense as He sees us as one with Jesus and as the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus; so yes, God would be speaking into the atmosphere around us from a position of our perfection through His Son. I have continued to speak God’s life, God’s purpose, and God’s destiny over my husband and our marriage—calling those things that are not as though they were—and it has made a huge impact on our marriage and on our growth as a couple. So if I were to give advice on how to pray for spiritual advancement in one’s marriage or on any important issue that may be hindering God’s best for a godly union, I would say that making decrees and declarations that speak to destiny is the best strategy you can exercise to take your marriage to the next level.

©2021, What You Will

The Great Falling Away – Shaking Out the Shifty

Be not deceived, God is not mocked, whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap (Galatians 6:7). And he said, “Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, ‘I am Christ’; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them” (Luke 21:8).

Christ means “anointed”. Not everyone in ministry is anointed. Not everyone who claims to know Jesus really knows Jesus.

We are in a period of time where many false Christs’ have arisen; preaching, teaching and embracing doctrines that do not align with the Word of God. We are also in a time where we have people who once embraced truth now openly rejecting truth in order to erect pillars of importance for themselves. This is why we are in a time of shaking and this is why we must remain steadfast in the Word and in the promises of God so we too are not led astray by every wind of doctrine that comes across the landscape. While there are well-meaning believer’s operating in ignorance who can be redirected and corrected, there are just as many (if not more) believer’s who have rejected the truth and are proclaiming lies in the name of Christ.

The above scriptures are speaking to those who say they are anointed but they are liars or they have fallen away from the teachings of the Word of God and the instruction of Holy Spirit.

2 Thessalonians 2:3-12

Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, 4 who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God. 5 Do you not remember that while I was still with you, I was telling you these things? 6 And you know what restrains him now, so that in his time he will be revealed. 7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way. 8 Then that lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming; 9 that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders, 10 and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. 11 For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, 12 in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.

Why does God send them a strong spirit of delusion? Because they loved not the truth. Truth belongs to the Children of God and they can reject it, please study out Hebrews 6:1-8. The lost have no understanding of the truth, so this passage does not apply to the lost. The Lord is speaking to those in the Body who reject the truth–to them He sent a strong spirit of delusion. False pastors, false preachers, false teachers, false prophets and false apostles…speaking Christ in one breath and fellow-shipping with Satan in another…who once knew the grace of our Lord Jesus but chose instead to follow after other winds of doctrine.

As believers and leaders in the Body of Christ we have to rightly divide the Word of Truth and reject those who are preaching death. The Spirit of the Lord gives us life, but the spirit of Antichrist gives death. We are children of light.

Judgment begins at the House of God (1 Peter 4:17). Acknowledge those who are in error and correct them, rebuke those who are in rebellion and have nothing to do with them.

May the God of our Lord Jesus Christ bless us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places. Amen.

Expect a Scene After You Evict the Enemy

The enemy doesn’t always leave quietly. Once you order him to obey the Word (Jesus is the Word), he sometimes kicks up a little dirt on his exit.

We have recently noticed a pattern when we specifically go after the strongman and evict him from certain atmospheres in prayer and we think it’s important to share what we’ve learned with our treasured friends at What You Will. Below is one example of a little push-back we encountered from the devil after we sent the hosts to break up an assignment:

We have been blessed to live in a mostly clean neighborhood for nearly four years; but recently, we have noticed an increase in the amount of junk that has been appearing at the bottom of one of our ridges. No one appreciates illegal dumping, but it is especially annoying when people dump junk in a place that is next to impossible to get to for clean up, so we began to send the hosts’ of Heaven to tear down the spirit in the area that has been enticing individuals to dump their junk over the ridge.

Now, friends, this ministry has a reputation for smackin’ up devils, stripping them of their rights, and evicting them from the atmosphere, so we shouldn’t have blow-back from the enemy–especially over some junk and a little shabby debris, but we have had some push-back from the unclean spirit behind this trash dumping. Instead of seeing a decrease in the amount of dumping over the ridge, we’ve actually had an increase! Apparently, some demons get a little snippy when you force an order on them to leave an area.

I specifically sought the Lord about why we received an uptick in trash dumping after sending the hosts to address this situation and the Lord showed me that on his way out, sometimes the enemy throws a temper tantrum and some tantrums create a mess.

Immediately, in the spirit, I saw an aggressive young man approximately in his late teens being escorted out of my house by an officer of the court. Though he was handcuffed and tightly bound by the strength of the officer who had this kid by the arm, the kid struggled to break free from the grasp of the officer by violently shaking himself and kicking his feet. I was concerned he was going to damage my door on his way out.

The young man knew he was busted; and even though he was being taken into custody, he insisted on making a scene during the eviction process. He wasn’t about to be taken quietly. He was intentionally trying to bust up my door on his way out.

The Spirit of the Lord used this vision to show me this is what the enemy was doing with the dumping after I had arrested the demons in the spirit. Talk about gaining a new understanding about the nature of demons and spiritual warfare! Praise God for this new information! It has really changed the way I view what looks like blow-back from the enemy when I know my prayers to arrest him are legal and on target.

We’re providing this example so you will remain steadfast in your commission to restrain the enemy after you have put him on notice. Often, the enemy will throw a temper-tantrum on his way out and to the natural-minded believer; they may not realize that their prayers to evict the enemy from a situation have already been received by Heaven and answered. We are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus; we have access to the Courts of Heaven at will so when we give the word to evict, we automatically receive an order from the Judge, but like criminals, sometimes the enemy doesn’t go quietly.

Just remember, after we make a decree, or issue a command in the spirit, the enemy hears us loud and clear, but just like humans, sometimes when they are arrested they may still create a scene while they’re being escorted to the door.

The point of the story is, don’t become discouraged when you see an uptick in foul activity after you have prayed and sent your hosts’. Remain steadfast, use your authority, and enforce the Word.

Are You Ready to Soar – Prayer for Positioning and Readiness

We’re called to speak truth here and in the midst of a pandemic that is literally creating mass upheaval on a worldwide scale, access to truth is paramount. The Spirit of the Lord has been speaking to What You Will about the condition of the Church and the Church’s response to this pandemic; and while we can waste time trying to understand the where’s and why’s of this fear-based virus attacking the earth, the Lord has spoken clearly to us here at the ministry that “Repentance is the ONLY thing that will turn this thing around”. That is the Word of the Lord in this season and the Spirit of the Lord is also saying, “There is no other solution”.

The shaking we have encountered is of no surprise to God, but our response to this worldwide event affecting all of us must be a response that lines up with His will for this hour. For those who follow this ministry you have heard videos and podcasts about the shift into consecration that has been in the making for several years. As recent as three years ago, the LORD provided messaging to What You Will about removing the wheat from the tares and separating the Church from those who have infected her with gross sexual sin and rebellion. These messages prompted a series of prophetic words that have placed us where we are right now in this moment of time where the Spirit of the Lord is calling His Bride to arise and prepare herself for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. We have just entered a shift into readiness and preparation for the return of King Jesus. The pre-release party is here folks and this is the moment of release for those who have been called to set the stage for the return of the King.

We have an opportunity to BE Jesus Christ in this earth right now, in this moment. This is the time to know what the Spirit of the Lord is speaking to the lost, to the nations, and to the Church. NOW is the time to have an answer for those who are asking important questions. We have to have biblical answers for troubling times. If anyone of us lacks biblical answers for those who are entering a period of devastation, then he or she needs to seek God on their face in an attitude of prayer and even fasting. Yes, some need to be fasting right now as this is a time of severe correction and adjustment for the Body of Christ; and saints, this shifting will affect the entire world and they will be looking to you and me to have an answer for why we rely on this man Jesus?

Now is the time the Lord has been waiting for to release a sound upon the Earth and the melody is REPENTANCE. There is an undeniable call to repentance and consecration; a call to come out from among the ugliness of the world and be ye separate (2 Corinthians 6:17). Through greasy-grace teaching, the Body of Christ has embraced gross sexual sin and rebellion and received it as acceptable before the LORD; but before the eyes of God, this defiled worship has not been acceptable, it has grieved the Holy Spirit of God and caused us to come under pressure from Heaven. But we can alleviate the pressure if we surrender to the spirit of repentance and accept divine correction.

New mantles are coming, new assignments are here, new mandates from Heaven have been released and it is incumbent upon us to take hold of these wonderful opportunities to be the Lord Jesus Christ to those who are seeking Him in the devastation that is hitting the earth. This is our moment to correct and to allow Him to provide the earth with relief that can only come from the love and careful guidance of a merciful God; but He cannot be who He desires to be unless we are in agreement with His heart for the world. He loves the world and the people in it and if we really love Him, then we will gladly humble ourselves and give Him permission to do what He has to do through us in order to bring deliverance to the world. This is our time to manifest love. The Kingdom of God (and God is Love) is within us.

Are you positioning yourself to hear the Word of the Lord for your own lives and making yourself available to move in His direction in order to fulfill His mandate?

Beloved, fear not, for we are not of this world. We are actually called to soar above it. Are you ready to soar?

If you’re not ready to soar then say this prayer:

“Father, while I do not understand the ins and outs of what is taking place in the earth at this moment, I do know that it is my responsibility as your Child to be in agreement with what You’re requiring in this hour. I also know that nothing is impossible with You and You are with me no matter where I may tread. I recognize You’re asking me to take a step of faith and to allow You to use me in ways that I have not really been prepared for, but I know I can trust You with my very breath and I know my life is in Your hands and Your will for me is always good.

Give me what I need in this hour to be in-step with Your will. Give me what I need to hear You clearly, and then obey Your leading.

I realize that Your grace gives me the strength to move ahead when I am not able to see a clear picture, but I also know that You promised You will give me eyes to see and ears to hear if I am willing to obey You. I want to obey You Father. I want to be in Your will and I want You to know I desire what You desire and I trust Holy Spirit to make me a vessel fit for Your use.

I declare and I decree right now God, that Your desire is my desire and Your ways are my ways and Your thoughts are my thoughts and I will follow Your Word and obey You because I love You more than I love life itself. I trust You and I trust Holy Spirit to make me ready for whatever lies ahead and I trust You to keep Your promise to me to be faithful for You are not a man that lies, but You are the very essence of integrity and truth and my heart belongs to You. I thank You for equipping me in this moment and for increasing my faith during this very exciting time, in the Name of Jesus I pray, Amen.”

Now open your Bible and read. God bless you, precious ones.

And They Loved Not Their Lives

As we have witnessed panic and distress during this global pandemic, I posed the question to a group of people on one of my social media platforms, “Shouldn’t we be asking why so many born-again people fear dying?”

There were some interesting comments but one stood out to me from a lady who said she wasn’t afraid of dying, she just didn’t want the enemy to take her out before her appointed time. Here was my response to her legitimate concern:

“I have an assurance that I will not die before my appointed time only because I am abiding in Him and He is abiding in me (John 15:7). The devil has no authority over my life for Jesus has the keys to death, hell and the grave, and I am His. While some say, ‘Well, we’ve all got to die of something’ …referring to sickness, disease or even accidents and persecutions, I have made so many declarations about my graduation to Heaven, I am fully convinced no matter how I depart this earth it will not be prematurely. The enemy holds no power over me and if I am in Jesus, he cannot mandate how or when I depart for Heaven.”

The Spirit of the Lord is moving many of us into a new place of faith, faith that literally usurps the fear of death over the believer and his physical body. This paradigm shift is bringing us into a new level of boldness that will enable many to accept the assignment of martyrdom if that is what is written in our heavenly Story. The Book of Revelation speaks to those who who have not loved their lives even unto death (Revelation 12:11); these are the ones who face the Dragon and overcome him by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.

If we are loving not our lives even unto death, then we are actually in obedience to His Word and therefore not missing our destiny and not really dying prematurely if we are taken during a moment of spiritual upheaval. If we are following Him in word and deed and hearing and obeying His leading, we are truly in His divine will, whether we depart this world under peace or under persecution. Our mandate is to trust Him and obey.

No matter the present condition of the world or the conditions yet to come, be encouraged; God is still on the Throne and He is mighty to save. Remember, he who loses his life for Jesus and the message of the Cross will find it (Matthew 10:39). Our trust is in God’s love for us and we know His love never fails (Psalm 136; 1 Corinthians 13:8).

The just shall live by faith (Hebrews 10:38; Habakkuk 2:4). Be the one who trusts in God.

Have the Blessings in Your Life Hit a Ceiling?

There is great comfort in only taking godly instruction from television ministries. The televangelist has nothing invested in the viewer directly and s/he can encourage, encourage, encourage without ever calling a person to accountability. Words of encouragement can help us to feel better about our current situation, but encouragement is meant to help us press-on in our pursuit of Jesus. Deliverance from oppression and enemy attack can only be alleviated by applying the Word of God to our lives; while encouragement is helpful, it is not enough to secure victory in daily living. The Bible outlines specific requirements for continual victory in our walk with God; one of which is holiness. Some people are grabbing onto numerous ‘words of encouragement’ hoping those words will propel them from lack, chaos, or bondage into prosperity, peace and freedom; but they’re still stuck in a rut and they’re asking God why?

Phil Robertson, founder of the Duck Commander Company, now famously known by the television show that launched he and his family into fame, “Duck Dynasty” said in a recent interview on Joni Table Talk that before he came to know the Lord, he chose to live immorally. He wanted freedom, freedom to live as he wanted to unencumbered by restriction. He noted that after multiple conversations with many people on the issue of surrendering to Jesus according to God’s Word, the one common theme in these conversations was that people rejected God’s way of doing things so they could live a life free from restraint.

There are many circumstances that require some form of restraint: wearing a seat belt while traveling in a car to keep from being thrown from a vehicle if involved in a crash, following the directions written on a medicine bottle in order to prevent death by accidental overdose, and holding back words during an altercation that could cause the loss of a job or the loss of a dear friendship. Life presents us with situations requiring restraint and embracing godly restraint can keep us from being an open target for the enemy.

Most of us who are stuck in a rut are stuck because we’re still making decisions in life that God cannot bless; and in many cases, people fail to remove themselves from situations they know are not God’s best for them because they do want to be restrained. Whether they resist restraint because they are fearful their needs will not be met or they resist restraint because they are just rebellious and self-serving, ignoring restraint will cause the blessings in those lives to hit a ceiling. In the case of rebellion for example, refusing to choose right living will not only hinder blessings, it can leave a person without certain protections and no child of God wants to be without the protection of God.

It is incumbent upon every believer to walk out their salvation with awe and reverence (Philippians 2:12) and to pursue holy living. Yes, if you’re shacking up with a partner you can still talk to God, but until you make the decision to do right by God through His Word (be joined in matrimony or separate entirely), the blessings in your life will have a ceiling. Remember what the Bible says, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked [He will not allow Himself to be ridiculed, nor treated with contempt nor allow His precepts to be scornfully set aside]; for whatever a man sows, this and this only is what he will reap. For the one who sows to his flesh [his sinful capacity, his worldliness, his disgraceful impulses] will reap from the flesh ruin and destruction, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life” (Galatians 6:7, AMP).

God cannot bless wrong living. Our access to abundant living can only go as far as our commitment to God’s Word. If we want to have real and lasting change for the better then we have to do life His way. If we want Him to make moves for us, then we have to make some moves for Him. We must make a choice. We must be willing to let Him make changes to our situation so we can be positioned for victory.

Decide this day whom you will serve (Joshua 24:15): you and your way or the Lord and His way. Jesus allowed God to crucify Him so you and I can have salvation and abundant life, but in order to manifest everything God has for us to be victorious, we have to give up those things and situations we know deep within our hearts are not God’s best for us. In order to break through the ceiling we must choose to live life rightly.

Grave Lessons from Angels – How Their Example Serves as Our Warning

Fallen angels lived in the glory of God from the time of their creation. They dwelt in the presence of God, they worked in the presence of God, and they lived in the presence of God. They were exposed to attributes you and I have not yet been exposed to much less allowed to entertain; therefore, once they rebelled against God, they were without mercy and unable to retain it because of their acquired knowledge. Angels have been exposed to secret places and in some events the deeper things of God that very few have ever seen. Clearly, their request for forgiveness was unjustified as they had absolutely no excuse for rejecting the goodness of God and then conniving to usurp authority over Him. Their rebellion was indeed blasphemy in the truest sense of the word.

Because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse (Romans 1:19-20).

While the above scripture is speaking to mankind’s rejection of Jesus and the power of His Holy Spirit, this is an eternal declaration and it also applies to the angelic. Gross rebellion is difficult but still redeemable for mankind after repentance and surrender to God’s authority; but woe to the one who has rebelled against the goodness of God after dwelling in the divine presence of God and regularly tasting of the divine. This scripture is speaking specifically to the mature in Christ, those who have an established foundation in the deeper things of Christ. The scripture in the Book of Hebrews states it this way:

For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame (Hebrews 6:4-6).

The preceding verses in this passage of scripture list for us what is considered rudimentary in the kingdom of God from a learning perspective:

Therefore leaving the elementary teaching about the Christ, let us press on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, of instruction about washings and laying on of hands, and the resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment (Hebrews 6:1-3).

The above verses are essentially the basics of Christianity 101 and every believer should have this foundation established in their personal walk with God; as no one can move into deeper maturity unless they have established these fundamental principles to doctrinal understanding.

Although men and women didn’t have access to the throne of God like the angelic before the foundation of the earth, we do indeed have access to the throne of God now. Jesus has made it possible for you and me to have intimate fellowship with the Father. He paved the way for you and me to receive mercy for our shortcomings and forgiveness our own rebellion by becoming sin for us. Our knowledge of God and His Holy Spirit are acquired here, in this dispensation, on this earth; whereas angels had their opportunity in the heavenlies; but just as each group—mankind and the angelic—have each been given their position of assignment, both groups have also been given specific perimeters by which to live. We could say the angels learned to worship God while in heavenly places; while mankind learns how to worship God here on earth. Each group has its destiny and each group has the ability to accept or reject God’s will. So while some may think God’s decision to permanently reject the fallen angels is extreme, we know it is not at all extreme based upon the conditions by which the angels were allowed to live. So if the angles had free will and yet suffered the consequences of rebellion, then how much more will we as men and women suffer the consequences of rebellion against God being made in the very image of God? (Genesis 1:26).

We didn’t have the opportunity to move in diverse realms of glory or taste of the divine goodness of God like the angles did in Heaven; we were hidden in the Father before the foundation of this world; but through our assignments here on earth, we have the opportunity to acknowledge the goodness of God and learn to embrace what is holy. As we learn to obey the instructions of the Father as they are written in His Word, we too can partake of the divine nature of God if we allow Holy Spirit to mature us through the working of His might power. Consequently, just as the angles were without excuse for their rebellion against God in Heaven, we too are without excuse if we reject God’s goodness while here on earth.

Rebellion is a serious issue and one God addresses with all who refuse to accept His sovereignty, whether they are human or angelic. He is the creator, we are the created. He is the potter, we are the clay, and while God does give us free will to choose between light and darkness; goodness and evil; He also has the right to eternally excommunicate anyone who attempts to usurp His authority. After all, are we God? Do we have the ability to sustain the dimensions of the universe, holding each layer in the palms of our hands? Do we have the ability to create the human form, decorate the expanse of the earth with our own paintbrush, or establish the parameters of the oceans and their borders? We can’t even calculate the amount of stars in the skies much less create anything. We can only observe and discover through research and study what is available to us through those things God has released from His very heart. We have the cars we drive because God released our ability to design them in His time, as He willed, for His purposes. We create nothing. He truly is the beginning and the end; what a humbling revelation.

So let’s remember to give God the respect He is due and let’s not pity angles that chose to reject the awesome greatness of God and stirred up rebellion in the heavenlies creating such gross division. God hates division; and all rebellion does is divide and separate us from God’s very best. And while we are to pray for men and women who may be under the spell of rebellion, we are never to show pity for the angles of God that lived in the presence of His Divine Glory then chose to reject His authority. There is never redemption for any who have been enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, and have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come (Hebrews 6:4-6) and then rebelled against that glory. Take a lesson from the angels; there is no path of repentance for anyone who dwells in the secret places of God’s glory then chooses to embrace rebellion.