Pooks and Boots Meet Jesus, an inspirational story for children about the love of Jesus, is the first book in this children’s series; we are honored to link our friends to this wonderful children’s book about Jesus. “Pooks and Boots Meet Jesus”, written by Julie K. Wood and beautifully illustrated by Simon Goodway.*

Based on Matthew 25:34-40, it’s a tale of two cats who survived the wilderness and eventually found a warm home. It teaches children that when they help those in need they are actually helping Jesus. This should be an addition to any childhood library. It is sure to capture the imagination and give children practical ways to be a blessing to others and to also learn about the heart of Jesus.
*What You Will receives zero proceeds from the sale of this book and we are not directly affiliated with the author or the illustrator of the work. Our desire is to merely direct our followers to a wonderful resource that shares the love of Jesus with boys and girls.