And They Loved Not Their Lives

As we have witnessed panic and distress during this global pandemic, I posed the question to a group of people on one of my social media platforms, “Shouldn’t we be asking why so many born-again people fear dying?”

There were some interesting comments but one stood out to me from a lady who said she wasn’t afraid of dying, she just didn’t want the enemy to take her out before her appointed time. Here was my response to her legitimate concern:

“I have an assurance that I will not die before my appointed time only because I am abiding in Him and He is abiding in me (John 15:7). The devil has no authority over my life for Jesus has the keys to death, hell and the grave, and I am His. While some say, ‘Well, we’ve all got to die of something’ …referring to sickness, disease or even accidents and persecutions, I have made so many declarations about my graduation to Heaven, I am fully convinced no matter how I depart this earth it will not be prematurely. The enemy holds no power over me and if I am in Jesus, he cannot mandate how or when I depart for Heaven.”

The Spirit of the Lord is moving many of us into a new place of faith, faith that literally usurps the fear of death over the believer and his physical body. This paradigm shift is bringing us into a new level of boldness that will enable many to accept the assignment of martyrdom if that is what is written in our heavenly Story. The Book of Revelation speaks to those who who have not loved their lives even unto death (Revelation 12:11); these are the ones who face the Dragon and overcome him by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.

If we are loving not our lives even unto death, then we are actually in obedience to His Word and therefore not missing our destiny and not really dying prematurely if we are taken during a moment of spiritual upheaval. If we are following Him in word and deed and hearing and obeying His leading, we are truly in His divine will, whether we depart this world under peace or under persecution. Our mandate is to trust Him and obey.

No matter the present condition of the world or the conditions yet to come, be encouraged; God is still on the Throne and He is mighty to save. Remember, he who loses his life for Jesus and the message of the Cross will find it (Matthew 10:39). Our trust is in God’s love for us and we know His love never fails (Psalm 136; 1 Corinthians 13:8).

The just shall live by faith (Hebrews 10:38; Habakkuk 2:4). Be the one who trusts in God.