Faith – the ultimate kingdom principle

Faith without works is dead. James 2:26

Without faith, the desire to understand kingdom principles doesn’t hold much value. Kingdom principles are principles from heaven; they are not man-made principles founded on man’s natural thinking. They are not tangible principles. You cannot see them with your natural eyes. They are spiritually discerned and spiritually understood (I Corinthians 2:14).

Jesus spoke of kingdom principles as He spoke the oracles of God in the synagogue at the age of thirteen and throughout His entire ministry traveling with His disciples. The whole principle of being born-again is a heavenly concept. Like everything Jesus taught, Salvation itself is a kingdom principle. Jesus said to inherit eternal life a man has to be born-again (John 3:7); Nicodemus said to Jesus, “How can a man be born-again? How can he return to his mother’s womb a second time?” (John 3:4) Jesus was speaking of a spiritual birth–a rebirth–fleeing sin and corruption for repentance and new life in Him. It takes faith to believe that having eternal life is as simple as asking to be born-again. It’s a simple confession from the mouth that grants us eternity with the Creator. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. (Acts 16:31) It’s so simple to inherit eternal life some people struggle with the validity of such an easy prayer of faith, but the Heavenly Father has designed Salvation just this way for a reason. It takes faith to believe in the Creator and it is supposed to be easy to receive Salvation. Jesus said His yoke is easy and His burden is light (Matthew 11:30).

So, what does this have to do with James 2:26; faith without works is dead? Faith is more than just a spiritual concept; it is also an action word in the kingdom of God. Nothing in the kingdom of heaven is spoken, breathed, transferred, orchestrated or conceived without faith. Nothing. God Himself used faith to create the heavens and the earth. He used faith to form Adam and breathe life into his nostrils. God used faith when He gave Adam and Eve dominion over the earth, to dominate it and subdue it. God used faith to raise up Abraham, Moses, King David, the land of Israel, His very own Son Jesus and the billions who have chosen to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. So, if God Himself is a doer of faith who operates in faith and speaks in faith, then how much more should we? We cannot be about the Father’s business without the operation of faith.

What You Will™ is a faith-based ministry teaching believers kingdom principles that deliver dynamic results. We are specifically committed to these essential concepts for victory in Christian living: equipping the believer with kingdom principles that produce spiritual growth; teaching the child of God how to occupy in his or her sphere of influence; and encouraging God’s people to demonstrate their faith in the written Word of God with supernatural evidence.

Our lives should resemble the life of Jesus Christ, who walked in power and kingdom authority; taught his disciples how to dominate and destroy the works of darkness; and also bore the fruits of authority: success over struggles, victory over sickness and disease, and rescuing souls from the kingdom of darkness.

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