Expect a Scene After You Evict the Enemy

The enemy doesn’t always leave quietly. Once you order him to obey the Word (Jesus is the Word), he sometimes kicks up a little dirt on his exit.

We have recently noticed a pattern when we specifically go after the strongman and evict him from certain atmospheres in prayer and we think it’s important to share what we’ve learned with our treasured friends at What You Will. Below is one example of a little push-back we encountered from the devil after we sent the hosts to break up an assignment:

We have been blessed to live in a mostly clean neighborhood for nearly four years; but recently, we have noticed an increase in the amount of junk that has been appearing at the bottom of one of our ridges. No one appreciates illegal dumping, but it is especially annoying when people dump junk in a place that is next to impossible to get to for clean up, so we began to send the hosts’ of Heaven to tear down the spirit in the area that has been enticing individuals to dump their junk over the ridge.

Now, friends, this ministry has a reputation for smackin’ up devils, stripping them of their rights, and evicting them from the atmosphere, so we shouldn’t have blow-back from the enemy–especially over some junk and a little shabby debris, but we have had some push-back from the unclean spirit behind this trash dumping. Instead of seeing a decrease in the amount of dumping over the ridge, we’ve actually had an increase! Apparently, some demons get a little snippy when you force an order on them to leave an area.

I specifically sought the Lord about why we received an uptick in trash dumping after sending the hosts to address this situation and the Lord showed me that on his way out, sometimes the enemy throws a temper tantrum and some tantrums create a mess.

Immediately, in the spirit, I saw an aggressive young man approximately in his late teens being escorted out of my house by an officer of the court. Though he was handcuffed and tightly bound by the strength of the officer who had this kid by the arm, the kid struggled to break free from the grasp of the officer by violently shaking himself and kicking his feet. I was concerned he was going to damage my door on his way out.

The young man knew he was busted; and even though he was being taken into custody, he insisted on making a scene during the eviction process. He wasn’t about to be taken quietly. He was intentionally trying to bust up my door on his way out.

The Spirit of the Lord used this vision to show me this is what the enemy was doing with the dumping after I had arrested the demons in the spirit. Talk about gaining a new understanding about the nature of demons and spiritual warfare! Praise God for this new information! It has really changed the way I view what looks like blow-back from the enemy when I know my prayers to arrest him are legal and on target.

We’re providing this example so you will remain steadfast in your commission to restrain the enemy after you have put him on notice. Often, the enemy will throw a temper-tantrum on his way out and to the natural-minded believer; they may not realize that their prayers to evict the enemy from a situation have already been received by Heaven and answered. We are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus; we have access to the Courts of Heaven at will so when we give the word to evict, we automatically receive an order from the Judge, but like criminals, sometimes the enemy doesn’t go quietly.

Just remember, after we make a decree, or issue a command in the spirit, the enemy hears us loud and clear, but just like humans, sometimes when they are arrested they may still create a scene while they’re being escorted to the door.

The point of the story is, don’t become discouraged when you see an uptick in foul activity after you have prayed and sent your hosts’. Remain steadfast, use your authority, and enforce the Word.