Focus on Souls – Receiving Honor and Offerings the Kingdom Way

Who deserves the greatest honor above all else in this life and in that which is to come? It’s Jesus. Our Heavenly Father even said Himself that Jesus has been given the Name that is above every name (Philippians 2:8-11). There is no name in heaven or in the earth that is more glorious, more powerful, more prestigious and more perfect than the Name of Jesus and we here at What You Will™ know this to be true. But there is also an honor given to the children of men, those in the household of faith, who tread the grapes and pour out the new wine upon the Body of Christ through ministry and prayer and giving. Last night, What You Will™ received a letter from an individual about something they noticed at a Christian convention they recently attended. A teachable moment presented itself for this individual while asking Jesus for understanding about giving honor where honor is due, specifically, for a man of God who was preaching a session at this convention. Jesus used the opportunity to teach this individual about giving honor and about the difference between receiving an offering and receiving an “Offering”. What this individual learned through this lesson from Jesus was that when we seek to keep our focus on the word of God and the message of Jesus Christ, honor will come naturally. And offerings if any, though not always what we think they should be, to God those offerings may be the most significant to the kingdom.

This testimony encompasses two specific themes: one, giving honor to whom honor is due according to scripture; and secondly, understanding how the Favor of God was poured upon a preacher who made souls the focus of his message; and how God used both to bestow His glory on a preacher of the gospel for the benefit of an onlooker who thought the preacher was being slighted.

We believe the lesson learned by this precious believer succinctly ties in with one of the many kingdom principles taught at What You Will™ and we hope you will agree. We have been given the letter to share here with the author’s permission.

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A Lesson on Focus – Giving Honor to Whom Honor is Due
What Jesus showed me about an offering and an “Offering”

It is not uncommon in some church settings to see people walk up to the altar or to the steps of a church where a preacher is speaking and drop off an offering. You know, just lay it down on the steps while the preacher is preaching—no offering plate or bucket, you just lay it on the floor or at the altar near the preacher. I like churches that allow this.

During a convention I have been attending this week all the speakers have received offerings this way except for one and I was asking God about it. I said, “That’s kind of odd. There’s nothing wrong with this man’s preaching; he’s on fire!” Then the Lord said, “They don’t think he needs the money.” (This particular preacher is very rich. He has been greatly blessed and is famous for giving away as much as he gets.) I said, “Whatever, don’t these dummies realize that the offerings are going into the same pot to be evenly distributed among all the speakers at the end of the convention?” Then I said, “Lord, I don’t want him to be the only one who doesn’t receive offerings the same way as the others have; it doesn’t seem right.” So I began to loose offerings for him in the Name of Jesus. And the Lord said, “Those empty steps sitting behind him don’t faze him; he doesn’t care one way or the other” said to the Lord, “and I will show you.” I said, “OK.”

So the man of God delivered his sermon this evening, every bit as powerful as the last one and still, no offerings or cash lying on the steps behind him as he preached. It was getting late so as he was bringing his message to an end I was still wondering about the empty steps behind him, but just as he was closing, Holy Ghost power broke out and prophesy began flooding from his spirit. People were being called out from the audience and Holy Spirit was reading their mail in glorious ways! Holy Spirit was also healing people throughout the auditorium and I was like, “Wow! Look at that! Glory!” but God wasn’t done yet. After the dust settled a bit, the preacher gave an altar call and I was thinking, “Oh no he didn’t!” I had yet to see this at the end of any of the sessions from the other speakers. The people began to pour into the altar.

Over 100 people accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and I said, “Lord! He just received the greatest offering ever! Over 100 souls just received into the kingdom of heaven and it will be remembered for all of eternity!” And the Lord said to me, “In one service he received the greatest offering that could ever be received into the ministry; because for him, souls are the greatest offering he could ever receive, and that’s how I chose to honor him for his faithfulness to Me.”

I am blessed to have had the Lord’s ear for this personal spiritual teaching and I am blessed to have seen the hand of God at work during the sermon of this godly preacher who kept his eyes on Jesus and gave no thought to what was or wasn’t left on a few steps. That preacher was exalted by the Lord God Himself this evening and I witnessed it. That preacher was Jesse Duplantis.

C. Holloway
Nashville, Tennessee

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What You Will™ seeks to give honor to whom honor is due (Romans 13:7; 1 Timothy 5:17) and we thank the author of the above testimony for sharing with us what is clearly a dynamic teaching from the Master Himself.

Seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you (Matthew 6:33). God’s Will is a full House of redeemed souls. Preach kingdom principles and get those souls for the Lord!

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