2020 – “The Year of Release”

He is High and Lifted up; by His grace we sit in Heavenly places with Him (Ephesians 2:6). He has called us to speak LIFE into the atmosphere. We crush the darkness with our authority using the Word of God as our weapon. We bash the enemy with the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17) and the word of our testimony (Revelation 12:11). We can do ALL things through Christ who gives us strength (Philippians 4:13) and in the Name of Jesus we have power over ALL the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19).

In 2020 we are going to plow through the assignments of the enemy and set the captives free. We will not be stopped from our mission; we will not be hedged in by darkness; we will not falter in our faith; we will overtake principalities and powers by standing on the Word. We will not be moved from our positions of authority. The Lord is saying, “Release”.

2020 — this is the “Year of Release”. Release from debt, release from bondage, release from fear, release from strongholds, release from witchcraft, release from negativity, release from chains of darkness, release from poverty and lack, release from anything and everything that has tried to stifle your destiny or remove you from your post in the spirit.

Release will come in waves of deliverance, with back to back victories and manifestations of divine power. On the upside, release will come into your gates; there will be releases from Heaven that will fill your treasure boxes in both the spiritual realm and the natural. What looked like a shadow of things to come will now manifest and overflow as release fills your dwellings in the physical and in the natural as well as in the spiritual. There will be a release of liberty, a release of finances, a release of gifting’s; a release of power and divine encounters will be released upon the earth, such as have never been seen before this time. Family members will have divine encounters, judges will be filled with the glory of God and lay people in government will begin to shift legislation to support doctrines of wisdom that edify the plans and purposes of God. More federal judges will be released from their positions in office and new judges with the fire and faith of God will be released to establish order according to God’s plans and purposes.

Releasing the Glory! Releasing the Just! Releasing the Holy! Releasing the Faithful! Releasing the promises that many have been waiting to see fulfilled for many, many years. 2020 is marked to be a jubilee of sorts where divine and powerful release is coming to the earth and especially for those who LOVE and FOLLOW Him. So receive the release, the release from old things that have kept you bound and in a state of stagnation; receive the release of new things that will establish you and set you on a course to the divine. Release your faith, it has to obey you; release your sound; it has to comply; release the Word, it has to manifest the will of God; and be released to shift atmospheres and change the course of the assignment you have been called to fulfill, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Be released!

Guard Your Heart from the Junk of Life

Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flow the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23).

Sometimes we take in filth. We don’t mean to do it, it just happens. We embrace or walk into situations that leave dark deposits on our souls. We know there are some things we may see and hear that are shocking, or hurtful, or possibly criminal, but we don’t think to arrest the information in the spirit before it leaves its dirty mark on our soul. In a world where we are bombarded daily with so much demonic activity, it can be hard to stay in front of the rubbish the enemy attempts to place before our eye gates and our ear gates when we encounter a dark situation, but as children of God, we have power over all the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19) and we can determine what rules the thoughts and the intents of the heart.

Just as we guard our personal information from would-be thieves and hackers, so should we carefully guard the pathways to the heart. The Bible says that the spirit of man is the lamp of the LORD searching out his innermost being (Proverbs 20:27) and if we take in just a little bit of darkness then the whole body can be defiled (Mark 7:15). So how do we guard the pathways of the heart from dark deposits on the soul? We loose the darkness from our souls through prayer and we bind the good things of God to our souls through the reading of the Word and the confession of the mouth. We can verbally declare and decree a thing and the Bible says it will be established (Job 22:28). So if you find yourself in a less than godly situation and you have seen or heard information you know the Holy Spirit would deem inappropriate or ungodly then get it off your soul. Verbally remove that junk and ask the Lord to fill those places with His light, His love, His purposes and then repeat as needed. This goes for improper conversations you have overheard or have indulged in, gossip you have received or spread, music you have listened to that defiles what is sacred and holy, television shows or movies you have watched that are rampant with sexual content, offensive language or excessive violence, reading materials that encourage adultery, witchcraft, or open rebellion against God. None of these issues promote godliness and none of these issues add value to us or to the kingdom. Now that doesn’t mean we’re to go through life with our heads buried in the sand and unable to communicate with worldly people who may indulge in toxic forms of entertainment; after all, we are called to reach the lost, but a regular routine of soul cleansing will keep us from being infected by the dross of the world while we’re working to affect godly change in worldy spheres. If the kingdom of God is within us then we need to look like we belong to the kingdom of God.

Going forward, make the decision to regularly wash away the dark deposits left on the soul from the junk we may take in whether knowingly or unknowingly. Make it a habit to perform a soul check and take the steps necessary to cleanse your heart. Be a doer of the Word and not a hearer only (James 1:22). Use the resources God has given to us in His Word and through prayer to clear away the dirty deposits that come from the camp of the devil and daily guard your heart because the issues of life do indeed flow from that very special place and it should always be reserved for the light of the Father.

Be blessed friends and cleave to Jesus.

Don’t Tolerate Sickness!

When you know who you are in Christ, you don’t tolerate sickness and disease.

I could stop right there with that revelation alone and add, ‘The End’; but I digress. Notice the above sentence reads “when you know who you are…”

Scripture teaches us to call those things that are not as thought they were (Romans 4:17). But I like to quote Romans 4:17 this way: “I call those things that are not as though they already are”, present tense.

Why do I quote Romans 4:17 this way? Because as a believer, I choose to live and operate through Jesus Christ in the “now”. I do not live in the past. I became a new creature in Christ when I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I am a new creature in Christ—present tense (2 Corinthians 5:17). I know that I am the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus (Romans 3:22). I have already accepted God’s free gift of Love through His death on the cross. I already know that through Him I live, I move and I have my very being (Acts 17:28), so why speak or confess something different than the truth?

I know that He was bruised for my transgressions. I know that the chastisement of my peace was upon Him. I know that by His stripes I am [already] healed. So, if I know these things, then my response to sickness and disease of any kind should reflect what I already know.

Whether the issue before me is redemption from sin through His blood, or protection from sickness and disease, according to the Bible, healing is available to me, now. Praise the Lord!

Blessed children, we have the very Word of Christ at our disposal. The aforementioned scriptures should be at the forefront of our minds and out of our mouths at the slightest hint of sickness and disease. With the internet and cell phones in nearly every purse and pocket, we have instant access to the Word, which is the most important resource we have to crush sickness and disease in faith; so we are without an excuse to subdue the enemy. We have power over all the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19) in every situation and under every circumstance with the authority of God’s Word. Yes, saints, we are that powerful; so powerful we don’t have to tolerate runny noses, allergens or even an upset stomach. Now that’s a revelation of walking in the present, in the now, and in the WOW!

Sickness has no right to rule and reign in our bodies! For the born-again, spirit-filled believer, sickness and disease are demonic intrusions that attempt to trespass against the temples that Jesus paid for with His own blood. We are bought with a price, the blood of Jesus (1 Corinthians 6:20; 1 Corinthians 7:23). And secondly, we are not under the curse because Christ became a curse for us (Galatians 3:13). Sickness and disease are a byproduct of sin; they are not a fact of life—at least not my life, because I’m not receiving that! I’m not tolerating the symptoms of sickness and disease in my life because I don’t have to; Jesus paid a HIGH PRICE for my redemption and when sickness tries to come against me, I rebuke it in the Name of Jesus. I will not be fodder for that nasty ole devil and neither will my body. I will not allow myself to be a punching bag for Satan. Satan has nothing on me. I have sown many prayers for others who have come under attack for the smallest of discomforts and not just the large things like cancer, heart disease and diabetes; and those seeds sown in prayer come with a return, so I am expecting miraculous results in my own life and so should you. I am redeemed and so are you. I do not want my brothers and sisters to be under Satan’s wicked attacks! Saints, we can no longer give place to the devil. If we give him an inch, he will take a mile; so as soon as you feel even the slightest twinge of sickness coming against your body, take authority over it immediately and stand your ground with the Word of God.

Now, let me make this very clear, we have the power and the authority we have because GOD is good. We are nothing without Him in our hearts and we have because He gives. The Bible says, we love because He first loved us (1 John 4:19) and because the Word of God is true, we know we can quote His words over our circumstances and expect dynamic results.

Does God speak then not act? Does He promise then not fulfill (Numbers 23:19)?

We can count on Him to keep us healthy at ALL times because He loves us. It would take a sick twisted fruit-loop to say they love someone then leave them with sickness and disease; thankfully, our God is not like some twisted humans; He says what He means and He means what He says. It is we dear brothers and sisters who get the messaging of Jesus messed up. When we listen to the doctrines and the mindsets of men over the messaging of God’s Word, we set ourselves up for failure. God has not called us to fail but to succeed and to be blessed. I don’t know about you, but I have yet to find a scripture where God said sickness and disease are a necessary part of life. It is the thief who comes to steal, to kill and to destroy (John 10:10). It is the thief who comes to rob people of their time, their money, and their resources and in some cases, their loved ones.

Now, for those who haven’t exercised their faith muscles to this level don’t lose heart, just begin now; begin somewhere. God knows that for many, a quick call to the doctor or a quick run to the drug store for relief is sometimes easier than trying to stand on faith; but try your best to start somewhere; and if you have to call a doctor or grab a pill, don’t beat yourself up over it. But at least try to take authority over symptoms right away so you can begin stretching those faith muscles. Speaking for myself, I am glad I learned to push through with rebuking even the common cold. Less money for drugs and doctors means more money for me and more money for the kingdom. Woohoo! But no matter where you begin, know that God’s will is always healing and just to drive that truth home, consider Luke the Physician, whom Jesus chose as one of His disciples. Isn’t it interesting that in every account we have where Jesus is healing in the Book of Luke, there isn’t one mention of Luke being called upon to dole out a shot, write a prescription or a give a person a pill? Luke had zero to say about medical healing in his writings about his travel with Jesus. Perhaps we should let that sink in for a minute.

So what’s the point? Don’t tolerate sickness. You don’t have to accept it, succumb to it or invite it into your body. If you are the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus, then the enemy has no legal authority to harass you in your body—ever! And if you have scriptures already memorized in your arsenal, you can aim those darts at the wicked one and subdue his attacks. There is nothing more powerful than the Holy written Word of God so don’t give place to the devil. Submit yourselves unto God and watch the devil flee (James 4:7). You do not have to accept sickness, disease or infirmity ever saints; the Word of God makes this abundantly clear.