Are You Ready to Soar – Prayer for Positioning and Readiness

We’re called to speak truth here and in the midst of a pandemic that is literally creating mass upheaval on a worldwide scale, access to truth is paramount. The Spirit of the Lord has been speaking to What You Will about the condition of the Church and the Church’s response to this pandemic; and while we can waste time trying to understand the where’s and why’s of this fear-based virus attacking the earth, the Lord has spoken clearly to us here at the ministry that “Repentance is the ONLY thing that will turn this thing around”. That is the Word of the Lord in this season and the Spirit of the Lord is also saying, “There is no other solution”.

The shaking we have encountered is of no surprise to God, but our response to this worldwide event affecting all of us must be a response that lines up with His will for this hour. For those who follow this ministry you have heard videos and podcasts about the shift into consecration that has been in the making for several years. As recent as three years ago, the LORD provided messaging to What You Will about removing the wheat from the tares and separating the Church from those who have infected her with gross sexual sin and rebellion. These messages prompted a series of prophetic words that have placed us where we are right now in this moment of time where the Spirit of the Lord is calling His Bride to arise and prepare herself for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. We have just entered a shift into readiness and preparation for the return of King Jesus. The pre-release party is here folks and this is the moment of release for those who have been called to set the stage for the return of the King.

We have an opportunity to BE Jesus Christ in this earth right now, in this moment. This is the time to know what the Spirit of the Lord is speaking to the lost, to the nations, and to the Church. NOW is the time to have an answer for those who are asking important questions. We have to have biblical answers for troubling times. If anyone of us lacks biblical answers for those who are entering a period of devastation, then he or she needs to seek God on their face in an attitude of prayer and even fasting. Yes, some need to be fasting right now as this is a time of severe correction and adjustment for the Body of Christ; and saints, this shifting will affect the entire world and they will be looking to you and me to have an answer for why we rely on this man Jesus?

Now is the time the Lord has been waiting for to release a sound upon the Earth and the melody is REPENTANCE. There is an undeniable call to repentance and consecration; a call to come out from among the ugliness of the world and be ye separate (2 Corinthians 6:17). Through greasy-grace teaching, the Body of Christ has embraced gross sexual sin and rebellion and received it as acceptable before the LORD; but before the eyes of God, this defiled worship has not been acceptable, it has grieved the Holy Spirit of God and caused us to come under pressure from Heaven. But we can alleviate the pressure if we surrender to the spirit of repentance and accept divine correction.

New mantles are coming, new assignments are here, new mandates from Heaven have been released and it is incumbent upon us to take hold of these wonderful opportunities to be the Lord Jesus Christ to those who are seeking Him in the devastation that is hitting the earth. This is our moment to correct and to allow Him to provide the earth with relief that can only come from the love and careful guidance of a merciful God; but He cannot be who He desires to be unless we are in agreement with His heart for the world. He loves the world and the people in it and if we really love Him, then we will gladly humble ourselves and give Him permission to do what He has to do through us in order to bring deliverance to the world. This is our time to manifest love. The Kingdom of God (and God is Love) is within us.

Are you positioning yourself to hear the Word of the Lord for your own lives and making yourself available to move in His direction in order to fulfill His mandate?

Beloved, fear not, for we are not of this world. We are actually called to soar above it. Are you ready to soar?

If you’re not ready to soar then say this prayer:

“Father, while I do not understand the ins and outs of what is taking place in the earth at this moment, I do know that it is my responsibility as your Child to be in agreement with what You’re requiring in this hour. I also know that nothing is impossible with You and You are with me no matter where I may tread. I recognize You’re asking me to take a step of faith and to allow You to use me in ways that I have not really been prepared for, but I know I can trust You with my very breath and I know my life is in Your hands and Your will for me is always good.

Give me what I need in this hour to be in-step with Your will. Give me what I need to hear You clearly, and then obey Your leading.

I realize that Your grace gives me the strength to move ahead when I am not able to see a clear picture, but I also know that You promised You will give me eyes to see and ears to hear if I am willing to obey You. I want to obey You Father. I want to be in Your will and I want You to know I desire what You desire and I trust Holy Spirit to make me a vessel fit for Your use.

I declare and I decree right now God, that Your desire is my desire and Your ways are my ways and Your thoughts are my thoughts and I will follow Your Word and obey You because I love You more than I love life itself. I trust You and I trust Holy Spirit to make me ready for whatever lies ahead and I trust You to keep Your promise to me to be faithful for You are not a man that lies, but You are the very essence of integrity and truth and my heart belongs to You. I thank You for equipping me in this moment and for increasing my faith during this very exciting time, in the Name of Jesus I pray, Amen.”

Now open your Bible and read. God bless you, precious ones.