God Never Releases a Warning Without an Accompanying Winning Strategy

Demonic activity has been on the uptick; partially from the approaching satanic High Holy Day, but also from demon-possessed individuals Satan is currently occupying in an effort to increase disorder in the land.

There are voices in the body of Christ who are reasoning the times and seasons of God from their soul realm and not from the realm of God’s Holy Spirit. The Lord says that some people are falling for the propaganda being administered by the enemy in hopes that the people of God will ascribe to the “spirit of fear”. We do not have the spirit of fear beloved, but we have the Holy Spirit of God, alive and working within us to expose and defeat the wicked plans of the evil one. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and of a sound mind. Do not fall for the false testimony of the enemy in this hour; the body of Christ is actually being positioned for ruler-ship and the devil knows it.

The Word of God tells us that we will always have the poor among us and the same can be said for those who walk in darkness. There will always be sects of people who are seeking our destruction as the god of this world is feverishly working to destroy the plans of God in these last days; but thankfully, we have a great High Priest who will not allow us to suffer. He is teaching us through His Word that we will indeed be priests and kings unto our God in THIS world, in this time and in this hour. The body of Christ is actually being positioned to manifest the glory of God in this hour and while there will be pockets of trouble in certain places or uprisings in others, these demonic outbursts will not hinder the plans and purposes of God.

When darkness is exposed we are not to run into our perspective caves and hide from the enemy; on the contrary, we are to assemble ourselves for war. We are indeed in a battle for the souls of man and for the manifestation of the ready-made Bride of Christ, whom the Lord will call to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb when He says it is finished. This is certainly not the time to fall for the propaganda of the demonic and to surrender to a lie. When the rumblings of the devil are revealed, it is our responsibility to subdue the darkness and overtake the demonic with the Word of God, and the sword of the Spirit and the power of the Holy One in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is not a time to yell, “Alas! The sky is falling!”

We currently have some voices in the body who are sharing visions they have received in the night and visions they have seen in meditation with God and although the visions are revealing “trouble” on the horizon, these same people are failing to understand the authority of the Church over the demonic and they are correcting the body from a place of fear instead of a place of power.

Are we still so immature we haven’t yet discerned that when the Lord reveals something to us in the spirit realm that marks us for battle, that He has also assigned a strategy for us to win? God never releases a battle plan without an accompanying winning strategy. Perhaps these well-meaning ministers of the gospel should be asking God for the battle plans of the enemy instead of running to the internet to warn the Church of impending doom? Saints, the warnings we are receiving from the War Room of Heaven are meant for our battle against the demonic. They are not meant for us to use as a means of scolding the Church or inciting doom.

We have already been judged. The judgment of the world fell upon the body of the Lord Jesus Christ over two thousand years ago and for those who have received His free gift of Love, we are no longer under the curse of death. We have passed over into life. We are no longer slaves to the spirit of death, but we are children of Light. We are His offspring, made in His image, in power, in His glory and through the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are the HEAD and not the tail! Therefore, when dreams in the night seasons come with warnings, it is our responsibility to seek the strategies of the Lord and REBUKE the demonic. It is incumbent upon us to use our authority in the spirit to place the devil on notice and to declare to the demonic that we will not be fodder for the enemy and we not allow the devil to interrupt the divine purposes of God for His Church on this earth.

It is we dear brothers and sisters, who are the extension of God the Father in the earth and it is we who have the authority and power over ALL the power of the enemy in the Name of Jesus Christ to manifest life, liberty and dominion. We are supposed to be subduing the enemy, not aggrandizing his demonic schemes to attack the earth with violence and fear. When we receive a dream, a word or a vision from the Father that comes with a warning, our first reaction should be to declare and decree that no weapon formed against us shall prosper; and secondly, we should make every effort to speak to the darkness and tell it in no uncertain terms that we will not tolerate the plans of the enemy. He is a trespasser, a liar, a counterfeit, a thief, a destroyer and a crook and he is destined for eternal hell; whereas we are salt and light and power and honor and kings and priests; and we will reign over the earth in the mighty Name of Jesus according to the Holy Spirit of God, who is alive and moving in each and every one of us who name the Name of Jesus as Savior and Mighty Deliverer.

We worship the King who is over all kings and the Lord who is over all lords and we KNOW that we win; and thus, we have nothing to fear. So, going forward, let us position ourselves for battle and attack the demonic and subdue the devil in faith, in love for the blessed Church, and in power for the sake of the gospel of the Kingdom. As His chosen people, we are the ones whom God has ordained in this time and in this hour to manifest His glory in the earth; so put away the propaganda of the enemy and act like kings and priests of the Lord and subdue the darkness. Our God holds the battle plans for victory; ask for them and use them in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ to defeat the devil. Amen.