Taking Your Marriage to the Next Level

Much needed correction

A few years ago, I was corrected by three women at a Kat Ker event after I mentioned my husband’s disinterest in most things spiritual. I wasn’t bashing my husband, but they noted I was creating the wrong atmosphere by decreeing his shortcomings as the priest of the home. I was immediately convicted by Holy Spirit and repented for making inappropriate declarations. I quickly shifted my approach for him in prayer and began to speak over him the things that God saw in him through the finished work of Christ. I began to notice positive changes in the marriage a few months into making these decrees. Since receiving that wise advice from those three wonderful women of God, I have watched Jesus perform an amazing transformation in my husband that has also benefited me on many levels. During this stretch of time, I have also grown to respect my husband in ways I hadn’t fully appreciated; and we have really grown in our friendship and compatibility.

Decrees should lead us to the finished work

God sees us through the veil of our destiny and His decrees over us always lead to the finished work within us. This makes sense as He sees us as one with Jesus and as the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus; so yes, God would be speaking into the atmosphere around us from a position of our perfection through His Son. I have continued to speak God’s life, God’s purpose, and God’s destiny over my husband and our marriage—calling those things that are not as though they were—and it has made a huge impact on our marriage and on our growth as a couple. So if I were to give advice on how to pray for spiritual advancement in one’s marriage or on any important issue that may be hindering God’s best for a godly union, I would say that making decrees and declarations that speak to destiny is the best strategy you can exercise to take your marriage to the next level.

©2021, What You Will

The Great Falling Away – Shaking Out the Shifty

Be not deceived, God is not mocked, whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap (Galatians 6:7). And he said, “Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, ‘I am Christ’; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them” (Luke 21:8).

Christ means “anointed”. Not everyone in ministry is anointed. Not everyone who claims to know Jesus really knows Jesus.

We are in a period of time where many false Christs’ have arisen; preaching, teaching and embracing doctrines that do not align with the Word of God. We are also in a time where we have people who once embraced truth now openly rejecting truth in order to erect pillars of importance for themselves. This is why we are in a time of shaking and this is why we must remain steadfast in the Word and in the promises of God so we too are not led astray by every wind of doctrine that comes across the landscape. While there are well-meaning believer’s operating in ignorance who can be redirected and corrected, there are just as many (if not more) believer’s who have rejected the truth and are proclaiming lies in the name of Christ.

The above scriptures are speaking to those who say they are anointed but they are liars or they have fallen away from the teachings of the Word of God and the instruction of Holy Spirit.

2 Thessalonians 2:3-12

Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, 4 who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God. 5 Do you not remember that while I was still with you, I was telling you these things? 6 And you know what restrains him now, so that in his time he will be revealed. 7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way. 8 Then that lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming; 9 that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders, 10 and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. 11 For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, 12 in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.

Why does God send them a strong spirit of delusion? Because they loved not the truth. Truth belongs to the Children of God and they can reject it, please study out Hebrews 6:1-8. The lost have no understanding of the truth, so this passage does not apply to the lost. The Lord is speaking to those in the Body who reject the truth–to them He sent a strong spirit of delusion. False pastors, false preachers, false teachers, false prophets and false apostles…speaking Christ in one breath and fellow-shipping with Satan in another…who once knew the grace of our Lord Jesus but chose instead to follow after other winds of doctrine.

As believers and leaders in the Body of Christ we have to rightly divide the Word of Truth and reject those who are preaching death. The Spirit of the Lord gives us life, but the spirit of Antichrist gives death. We are children of light.

Judgment begins at the House of God (1 Peter 4:17). Acknowledge those who are in error and correct them, rebuke those who are in rebellion and have nothing to do with them.

May the God of our Lord Jesus Christ bless us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places. Amen.

Grave Lessons from Angels – How Their Example Serves as Our Warning

Fallen angels lived in the glory of God from the time of their creation. They dwelt in the presence of God, they worked in the presence of God, and they lived in the presence of God. They were exposed to attributes you and I have not yet been exposed to much less allowed to entertain; therefore, once they rebelled against God, they were without mercy and unable to retain it because of their acquired knowledge. Angels have been exposed to secret places and in some events the deeper things of God that very few have ever seen. Clearly, their request for forgiveness was unjustified as they had absolutely no excuse for rejecting the goodness of God and then conniving to usurp authority over Him. Their rebellion was indeed blasphemy in the truest sense of the word.

Because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse (Romans 1:19-20).

While the above scripture is speaking to mankind’s rejection of Jesus and the power of His Holy Spirit, this is an eternal declaration and it also applies to the angelic. Gross rebellion is difficult but still redeemable for mankind after repentance and surrender to God’s authority; but woe to the one who has rebelled against the goodness of God after dwelling in the divine presence of God and regularly tasting of the divine. This scripture is speaking specifically to the mature in Christ, those who have an established foundation in the deeper things of Christ. The scripture in the Book of Hebrews states it this way:

For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame (Hebrews 6:4-6).

The preceding verses in this passage of scripture list for us what is considered rudimentary in the kingdom of God from a learning perspective:

Therefore leaving the elementary teaching about the Christ, let us press on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, of instruction about washings and laying on of hands, and the resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment (Hebrews 6:1-3).

The above verses are essentially the basics of Christianity 101 and every believer should have this foundation established in their personal walk with God; as no one can move into deeper maturity unless they have established these fundamental principles to doctrinal understanding.

Although men and women didn’t have access to the throne of God like the angelic before the foundation of the earth, we do indeed have access to the throne of God now. Jesus has made it possible for you and me to have intimate fellowship with the Father. He paved the way for you and me to receive mercy for our shortcomings and forgiveness our own rebellion by becoming sin for us. Our knowledge of God and His Holy Spirit are acquired here, in this dispensation, on this earth; whereas angels had their opportunity in the heavenlies; but just as each group—mankind and the angelic—have each been given their position of assignment, both groups have also been given specific perimeters by which to live. We could say the angels learned to worship God while in heavenly places; while mankind learns how to worship God here on earth. Each group has its destiny and each group has the ability to accept or reject God’s will. So while some may think God’s decision to permanently reject the fallen angels is extreme, we know it is not at all extreme based upon the conditions by which the angels were allowed to live. So if the angles had free will and yet suffered the consequences of rebellion, then how much more will we as men and women suffer the consequences of rebellion against God being made in the very image of God? (Genesis 1:26).

We didn’t have the opportunity to move in diverse realms of glory or taste of the divine goodness of God like the angles did in Heaven; we were hidden in the Father before the foundation of this world; but through our assignments here on earth, we have the opportunity to acknowledge the goodness of God and learn to embrace what is holy. As we learn to obey the instructions of the Father as they are written in His Word, we too can partake of the divine nature of God if we allow Holy Spirit to mature us through the working of His might power. Consequently, just as the angles were without excuse for their rebellion against God in Heaven, we too are without excuse if we reject God’s goodness while here on earth.

Rebellion is a serious issue and one God addresses with all who refuse to accept His sovereignty, whether they are human or angelic. He is the creator, we are the created. He is the potter, we are the clay, and while God does give us free will to choose between light and darkness; goodness and evil; He also has the right to eternally excommunicate anyone who attempts to usurp His authority. After all, are we God? Do we have the ability to sustain the dimensions of the universe, holding each layer in the palms of our hands? Do we have the ability to create the human form, decorate the expanse of the earth with our own paintbrush, or establish the parameters of the oceans and their borders? We can’t even calculate the amount of stars in the skies much less create anything. We can only observe and discover through research and study what is available to us through those things God has released from His very heart. We have the cars we drive because God released our ability to design them in His time, as He willed, for His purposes. We create nothing. He truly is the beginning and the end; what a humbling revelation.

So let’s remember to give God the respect He is due and let’s not pity angles that chose to reject the awesome greatness of God and stirred up rebellion in the heavenlies creating such gross division. God hates division; and all rebellion does is divide and separate us from God’s very best. And while we are to pray for men and women who may be under the spell of rebellion, we are never to show pity for the angles of God that lived in the presence of His Divine Glory then chose to reject His authority. There is never redemption for any who have been enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, and have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come (Hebrews 6:4-6) and then rebelled against that glory. Take a lesson from the angels; there is no path of repentance for anyone who dwells in the secret places of God’s glory then chooses to embrace rebellion.

Rulership in the Heavens Begins Now

Getting directly to the point of this article, Rulership in the Heavens Begins Now:

“Whoever, then, breaks one of the least of these commands, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the reign of the heavens; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the reign of the heavens” (Matthew 5:19, ISR98).

Jesus is the epitome of the commandments for He is the Word:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth (John 1:1-3, 14).

With greatness come a few requirements: purity of heart is especially important and obeying the Spirit of God is essential. Those who are led (led kids, led) by the [Holy] Spirit, are the sons of God (Romans 8:14).

If we allow Holy Spirit to lead us we won’t err in judgment, we won’t be led of our flesh and do those things we know hinders our relationship with Almighty God. Thankfully, even if we do have an error in judgment, we can be quickly restored to peace in God and press on provided we just acknowledge the error, apologize to Father, and keep it moving. Father God is so patient and gracious, but we must never use that mercy to perpetuate a lifestyle of sinning. We’re better than that, we’re children of the King and He deserves our worship.

Live your life now for future rewards. Yes, there will be earthly rewards while we pursue righteousness in Him, but with that pursuit also comes future rewards, those treasures we lay up for ourselves that don’t corrupt (Matthew 6:19). There are also rewards for “position”—rulership, in eternity.

Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more matters of this life (1 Corinthians 6:3)?

Positions in eternity are established by the choices we make HERE and now, so let’s not limit ourselves to earthly treasures when there are thrones to occupy and reigns in the heavens to rule. We are His workmanship in Christ (Ephesians 2:10), let’s agree to allow Holy Spirit to shape us now for our future seat, our position in the heavens. We are kings and priests and lords unto our God indeed (Revelation 1:6), but the manifestation of those titles actually begins right here and right now by following the Spirit of the Lord in obedience to His best for us. We know we have a book, a developing story, created by God before the foundation of the world with our part being worked out in this earthly realm; so let’s align ourselves with what He shows us in His Word (which is His best) and manifest our ability to reign in the heavens right now. We must make it a point to live our earthly lives for the rewards of the future; this is how we forever establish our rulership position with Them in the heavens and reign with Them in the worlds to come.

Reveal Heaven

Today I went to work and lamented about missing my time with the Lord. For the last few years I have had ample time to read the Bible, study scripture and bask in wonderful praise and worship music at any time of the day for as long as I desired, but at the end of May, I took a position helping my husband to run a restaurant. This new assignment has consumed many, many hours of my professional and personal time. I am in the will of God, but being out in the “world” again has been an adjustment. I have not had the two to three hours I am used to having daily with Holy Spirit and for weeks now this has caused some frustration in me. Imagine going from the liberty of continual fellowship with God to one brief little prayer in the car on the way to the job? Its nuts and at times downright irritating to me to have no time for fellowship with God, but I know I am in His will right now, so I do what I can when I can and talk to Him about my next opportunity to have more time with Him.

Today at work I told my husband that I really wished I could be blessed like other’s who get to spend so much time just being with Jesus. He gently corrected me and said, “You are really blessed. We’re here doing this”, referring to our God-ordained assignment to occupy a sphere of influence for the Lord through this restaurant. I agreed with him but added, “…but I want to be in ministry. I want my own church.”

My husband of all people knows that what we’re doing in the restaurant is ministry—marketplace ministry—but I have really been missing those amazing moments with God where He just shows up in my daily life to blast me with His love and power. Being in public places where moments for real ministry are rare is so restricting to me and there’s this little issue with God’s timing that gets under my skin sometimes—His timing is not my timing and sometimes we have to do what God tells us to do even if it means working with some restrictions.

Well because God is so good, He decided to show up and show off for me today, on the job, in the restaurant and to the benefit of those who were there with me to witness the love of God moving on a guest and his wife who came in to eat.

Without going into detail, Holy Spirit prompted me to pray for a man dining in the restaurant and when I finished praying for this man and his wife I also prayed for the father who had just been admitted to hospice today. The couple thanked me for the prayer and the man told me about his travels as a missionary to Russia years ago and his career as a Methodist minister. I walked the man and his wife to the door and returned to the restaurant when I saw tears flowing from one of the member’s of my staff. She said, “I have never seen anything like that and I have no idea what that was all about but I felt it.” She was crying under the presence of the Lord. God was touching her heart and she was full of emotion. Her response was lovely and I marveled at how the Lord used that prayer time to move upon the people He has given to me and my husband to help run the restaurant. It was ministry for many tonight and it was blessed.

As I thought about the special moment that occurred with the power of Jesus today on the job I heard Holy Spirit say, “Reveal Heaven” and I did. Isn’t that what the Church is supposed to do—reveal Heaven?

I thank God for that special moment and I thank God for my husband’s kind rebuke and I thank God for the opportunity to reveal Heaven through me today. It was church, in the purest sense of the word and I was there to share it. God is so very, very good.

May the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified forever and ever, Amen.

Focus on Souls – Receiving Honor and Offerings the Kingdom Way

Who deserves the greatest honor above all else in this life and in that which is to come? It’s Jesus. Our Heavenly Father even said Himself that Jesus has been given the Name that is above every name (Philippians 2:8-11). There is no name in heaven or in the earth that is more glorious, more powerful, more prestigious and more perfect than the Name of Jesus and we here at What You Will™ know this to be true. But there is also an honor given to the children of men, those in the household of faith, who tread the grapes and pour out the new wine upon the Body of Christ through ministry and prayer and giving. Last night, What You Will™ received a letter from an individual about something they noticed at a Christian convention they recently attended. A teachable moment presented itself for this individual while asking Jesus for understanding about giving honor where honor is due, specifically, for a man of God who was preaching a session at this convention. Jesus used the opportunity to teach this individual about giving honor and about the difference between receiving an offering and receiving an “Offering”. What this individual learned through this lesson from Jesus was that when we seek to keep our focus on the word of God and the message of Jesus Christ, honor will come naturally. And offerings if any, though not always what we think they should be, to God those offerings may be the most significant to the kingdom.

This testimony encompasses two specific themes: one, giving honor to whom honor is due according to scripture; and secondly, understanding how the Favor of God was poured upon a preacher who made souls the focus of his message; and how God used both to bestow His glory on a preacher of the gospel for the benefit of an onlooker who thought the preacher was being slighted.

We believe the lesson learned by this precious believer succinctly ties in with one of the many kingdom principles taught at What You Will™ and we hope you will agree. We have been given the letter to share here with the author’s permission.

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A Lesson on Focus – Giving Honor to Whom Honor is Due
What Jesus showed me about an offering and an “Offering”

It is not uncommon in some church settings to see people walk up to the altar or to the steps of a church where a preacher is speaking and drop off an offering. You know, just lay it down on the steps while the preacher is preaching—no offering plate or bucket, you just lay it on the floor or at the altar near the preacher. I like churches that allow this.

During a convention I have been attending this week all the speakers have received offerings this way except for one and I was asking God about it. I said, “That’s kind of odd. There’s nothing wrong with this man’s preaching; he’s on fire!” Then the Lord said, “They don’t think he needs the money.” (This particular preacher is very rich. He has been greatly blessed and is famous for giving away as much as he gets.) I said, “Whatever, don’t these dummies realize that the offerings are going into the same pot to be evenly distributed among all the speakers at the end of the convention?” Then I said, “Lord, I don’t want him to be the only one who doesn’t receive offerings the same way as the others have; it doesn’t seem right.” So I began to loose offerings for him in the Name of Jesus. And the Lord said, “Those empty steps sitting behind him don’t faze him; he doesn’t care one way or the other” said to the Lord, “and I will show you.” I said, “OK.”

So the man of God delivered his sermon this evening, every bit as powerful as the last one and still, no offerings or cash lying on the steps behind him as he preached. It was getting late so as he was bringing his message to an end I was still wondering about the empty steps behind him, but just as he was closing, Holy Ghost power broke out and prophesy began flooding from his spirit. People were being called out from the audience and Holy Spirit was reading their mail in glorious ways! Holy Spirit was also healing people throughout the auditorium and I was like, “Wow! Look at that! Glory!” but God wasn’t done yet. After the dust settled a bit, the preacher gave an altar call and I was thinking, “Oh no he didn’t!” I had yet to see this at the end of any of the sessions from the other speakers. The people began to pour into the altar.

Over 100 people accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and I said, “Lord! He just received the greatest offering ever! Over 100 souls just received into the kingdom of heaven and it will be remembered for all of eternity!” And the Lord said to me, “In one service he received the greatest offering that could ever be received into the ministry; because for him, souls are the greatest offering he could ever receive, and that’s how I chose to honor him for his faithfulness to Me.”

I am blessed to have had the Lord’s ear for this personal spiritual teaching and I am blessed to have seen the hand of God at work during the sermon of this godly preacher who kept his eyes on Jesus and gave no thought to what was or wasn’t left on a few steps. That preacher was exalted by the Lord God Himself this evening and I witnessed it. That preacher was Jesse Duplantis.

C. Holloway
Nashville, Tennessee

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What You Will™ seeks to give honor to whom honor is due (Romans 13:7; 1 Timothy 5:17) and we thank the author of the above testimony for sharing with us what is clearly a dynamic teaching from the Master Himself.

Seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you (Matthew 6:33). God’s Will is a full House of redeemed souls. Preach kingdom principles and get those souls for the Lord!

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Declare and Decree Your Way to Results

Someone said, “You can’t just make declarations over people and expect them to change?”

If this is a true statement then why do we bother to pray?

When God created the heavens and the earth was it not through decree? Genesis 1:3 –And God said, “Let there be light” and there was light. And God saw the light; that it was good, and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day and the darkness He called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

What is a decree? A decree is an official order issued by a legal authority.

Are we not officials in the kingdom of God? Don’t we represent Jesus Christ in this earth? Are we not sons and daughters of the most High God? We learn from the Bible that God Himself called Abraham a father of many nations. It is referenced for us again in the Book of Romans, 4:17 as it is written, “…a father of many nations have I made you in the presence of Him whom he believed, even God, who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist.” The scripture also teaches us to imitate Jesus. We are reminded in I John 4:17 to call those things that are not as though they were. If we are to be imitators of Jesus who only did what He saw the Father doing, and only said what He heard the Father saying, then wouldn’t this scripture also apply to us as believer’s today?

This revelation is needed to have a successful prayer life and it is necessary to receive dynamic results.

If you believe that a person cannot get an understanding of the spiritual without going through the school of hard knocks then you are misinformed—operating according to the standards of the world. God has always desired that we seek Him for ALL provision; this includes (and is frankly most important), our spiritual provision. Now I am not saying that we are to run all over town making a bunch of declarations and expect people do nothing on their own end to educate themselves in the Word; but what I am saying is it is here we begin to create a platform for change in people by calling those things that are not as though they were. If there wasn’t power available to do this then why would God put this statement in His Holy Word?

If God had no intention of making Abraham a father of many nations then why did he tell Abraham while he was still Abram that he would indeed become a father of many nations (Genesis 17:4)? Was God in error? Was God making a mistake by calling Abram a father of many nations when he hadn’t even completely rid himself of the influence of Egypt? After all, Abram had to develop his own walk of faith with God after leaving Egypt for Canaan. I am sure after living in Egypt, Abram had mindsets that needed to be broken off of him before he could walk in his divine destiny with God. Can we surmise then that God was indeed making a declaration over Abram’s future? Wasn’t God Himself speaking a destiny into existence? Now, does God’s declaration over Abram totally seal the deal for Abram to become a father of many nations? No, it does not. Abram was still personally responsible for hearing the Word of God and doing it. Abram could have chosen to reject the will of God and God would have had no choice but to use someone else in this case, but fortunately for Abram, he stood on God’s declaration for his life and weathered some pretty dark storms. It wasn’t all peaches and cream for Abram. Remember he directly went against the words of God by taking Lot from Egypt into Canaan and he succumbed to Sarah’s insistence to sleep with her maid to give Abram a child. Here are great examples of seeing disobedience in action by a chosen man of God, but the skillful declaration of God’s word seized the day—thankfully, God watches over His word to perform it (Jeremiah 1:12). Eventually, Abram did indeed align himself with God’s will and manifest all he was supposed to manifest before leaving this earth for glory. Don’t you suppose much of Abraham’s compliance to the will of God came from the power of declaration spoken over him by God? I certainly do.

When I first met Jesus and had an encounter with Holy Spirit, several things were spoken over me by a prophet. The things said in that encounter were stepping stones to my ministry. I credit those declarations to my commitment to ministry today. Had the prophet of God pointed out all my faults and spoke of my weaknesses or berated me about my inability to comprehend the realm of the spirit or even the basics of Christianity (I was dumb about the life of the Christian) then those declarations would have set the ground work for my walk with God. This prophet saw my potential according to the Word of God and spoke those things that were not as though they were over me. That minister of God recognized her authority in the kingdom of God and for 20+ years continued to speak “life” over my situation even when I was backslidden. (That’s a story for another time). Had she not chosen to speak life into my circumstances, there is no telling where I would be today, perhaps still chasing the wind and in a grossly backslidden state.

Another fantastic example of declaration in action is in Acts 16:31 when Paul told the jailer that if he believed in the Lord Jesus not only would he be saved, but so also his whole household. That’s just powerful revelation right there saints! Was that a prayer request Paul was speaking over the jailer or was that a declaration? I don’t read that the jailer was required to beg, cry, wallow in self-pity, or plead with God to have mercy for the salvation of his family. I don’t read that salvation required a prayer-chain and hours of prayer and fasting with sackcloth and ashes for him to get the victory. A declaration was made and the jailer took that check to the bank and cashed it! Jesus doesn’t bounce checks people. It’s okay to cash them. This example powerfully displays the difference between plowing a territory and TAKING a territory. Brothers and sisters, we are called to take territory—the kingdom of God suffereth violence but the violent taketh by force (Matthew 11:12). Declaration and decree really is the way to powerful results. Glory!

My point is this: declaring and decreeing is an important part of setting up God’s agenda in people’s lives. It is Biblical. It is necessary and frankly, it is prayer in a nutshell. So going forward, please continue to speak declarations over your loved ones, your church group, your friends, your circumstances and then expect God to move based upon your confessions. Faith IS the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not yet seen (Hebrews 11:1) and whatsoever you ask for [decree: a formal or explicit statement or announcement, an official order issued by a legal authority] when you pray, believe that you receive it and you shall have it (Mark 11:24).

See brothers and sisters, the gospel is very clear. It is we who complicate the process. God keeps things simple because God is efficient. He doesn’t keep things simple because we are stupid. We are made in His image. Let’s not insult God. Clearly, we can see that decrees and declarations are indeed prayer, so let’s be encouraged to stand on the promises of God through His WORD and make those requests [demands] known unto God (Philippians 4:6) and watch the dynamic results pour in. Go ahead and be the authority—have what you will in Jesus.

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